For people who have a sedentary or busy lifestyle who would like to start a healthy alkaline based diet which is proven to aid cancer patients back into remission. The alkalinity website provides the user with daily meal plans catering for alkaline diets. Unlike other meal planning websites that can make it feel overwhelming and complicated, Alkalinity provides an effortless user experience.
User experience is the emotional response an individual had to a service or product. In accordance, to the design industry user experience is enhanced by user interface design. Therefore, both the UX and UI design go hand in hand to aid the interaction between the user and the product. Giving the user a positive emotional experience can help the service become a success and this is achieved through testing.
User interface/experience was the focus of this brief, throughout the design process testing and surveys were undertaken to ensure the website is effective and efficient for the user as that is the primary motive. The quote below reminded me throughout the design process to envision what the user would find difficult within the website and find solutions for this.
"Don't do to others what others have done to you. Remember the things you don't like in software interfaces you use. Then make sure you don't do the same things to users of interfaces you design and develop"
Tracy Leonard (1996)

Alkalinity mobile

Alkalinity desktop

Responsive design