The brief for this self-directed project was to research, design and make a guide book for designers who are creating dyslexia friendly deliverables. The format is a guide book to inform the designers of what solutions could be carried out to aid dyslexic readers.
The dyslexia guidebook creates an active space for discussion as this is a controversial matter. The topic of dyslexia is perceived in many ways and designers have different approaches and opinions on it. Therefore, this guidebook would become a tool for designers who are creating deliverables for dyslexic individuals. This has not accomplished as of yet therefore will be beneficial for designers. However, it will be reflective and propose solutions not force them upon designers as, there is the controversial matter of there being different solutions for different types of dyslexic people. Not every dyslexic reader suffers from the same symptoms therefore, some solutions may not apply. 
This was an exciting project to conduct as, it allowed me to broaden my understanding of dyslexia. It also enabled me to gain consciousness of the solutions to help dyslexics read text more efficiently and effectively. This could be through typography, colour and structure. 

Dyslexia guidebook for designers

Some selected spreads from the guidebook shown below

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