For this project I was briefed to create an independent magazine, I chose the topic of climate change as this is an issue which is affecting everything living on earth. Therefore, this magazine would target a wide, varied audience.
The name derived from nature, where Horizons mark the beginning and end of issues. The horizon is the line at which the earth's surface and the sky appear to meet. When the sun rises above the horizon it is the beginning of a new day and this is an opportunity for an individual to begin a new day in a new light. They can enlighten themselves as they can by reading the articles within the magazine. Another meaning is the limit of a person's knowledge, experience, or interest. People can broaden their horizons by reading the magazine.
The magazine is based on current climate change issues, including articles which discuss the effects of climate change on both humans and the earth. Furthermore, incorporating an interview by Robert Redford focusing on the perceptions of climate change and how the future generations are and going to be affected by this.
It targets a niche audience of activists and individuals who want change. However, it applies to everyone on earth due to the nature of the content. People who have interest within the topics could engage with the magazine as well as teachers for educational purposes.

Issue 01

Issue 02

Issue 03

Selected spreads from Issue 01
Article spreadsĀ from Issue 01

Horizons instagram page

Horizons website